Installation & 定制服务

Installation & 定制服务-缩略图


这项服务很棒! They did everything from creating my Google AdWords account to launching two specialized advertising campaigns - Search and Performance Max. They also did keyword research and selection, which improved my targeting and visibility. 我对结果非常满意.
我想为书店创建一个网站. 我不知道如何安装模板,所以我相信了你们的团队. 我得说我很满意. 服务真的很快. I guess I will address your service to help me with the customization of my store when I am ready to add all the products.
非常感谢你对小细节的关注! Your team has helped me to adjust the colors of my music studio website, so it looks astonishing.

Installation & 定制服务包括:

Installation & Customization
$319 $209
主题安装在web托管 To get the project launched on time, a client should provide us with hosting and FTP access details.
根据主题的要求设置主机 我们将检查所选择的主机是否与您的主题匹配. 我们也会调整主机,以适合您的网页主题完美. If you haven’t chosen a hosting yet, our managers will help you select the best solution.
默认插件激活和设置 一个例外可能是那些应该以额外的成本激活的插件.
演示内容替换 Replacing demo content with the content provided by a client and publishing it on a client’s website. 在5个网页和10个博客上发布内容.
主题定制 We add a client’s logo to the theme and personalize the color scheme according to the customer’s needs.
网站联系方式设置 我们在客户的网站上发布并建立联系表单. 我们还可以根据客户的要求制作地图.
1 revision 其中包括一个小的修改. 此修订在项目交付后两周内到期.

如何安装 & 定制服务工作:

  1. 收集信息

    from 15 min

    当您的订单确认后, our team will contact you to ask for the details necessary to complete the service. We will need to get access to your hosting account where the template will be installed. 以防您没有兼容的主机, our support agents will help you select and register one with the desired domain name.

    It is also necessary to provide us with all the content for your pages and blog posts, 以及内容放置说明. You will be able to do this by replying to the project manager's email or using a file sharing service. 如果你有任何问题,你的项目经理会很乐意帮助你.

  2. 完成经典网站定制服务


    After we get all the data, we will install the template on your hosting and customize it. In particular, 我们的团队将添加您的标志和内容, 改变颜色(如果需要), 并激活联系表单. At any stage, you will be able to check your project’s status with your project manager.

  3. Reviewing & finishing up

    from 15 min

    When our team finishes template customization, you will be able to check and approve the results. If you want to change or edit anything at this stage, two free revisions are available*. All the details of the additional fixes and changes can be discussed with your project manager.

    项目最终审批后, 我们将向您发送登录和密码的详细信息,以访问管理面板. 您将能够登录来管理站点并进行进一步的自定义.

提供安装 & 定制服务,我们需要:

  • cPanel加上FTP和MySQL访问您的主机
  • 标志(最好是 .SVG)
  • 要在模板中更改的颜色
  • 新颜色的RGB代码
  • 信息页面和博客文章的内容(图像和文本)
  • 详细的内容放置说明

尝试安装的主要原因 & 定制服务

如果您以前没有使用过CMS平台和托管服务器, 不知道什么是cPanel, MySQL, and FTP mean, 我们是来帮忙的. Our professional team of designers and developers will keep you away from all the difficulties. 在几个工作日内(取决于您选择的版本), 你会推出一个完美的, 完全可操作的网站,没有花费太多的时间在模板定制.

这个过程简单明了. All you need is to do is to provide us with the login details to your hosting account, 发送文本和图像以及内容放置说明, 剩下的我们来做. 一旦我们掌握了所有的信息, we will start fulfilling this template customization service to make your website live in five to eight business days.

The Installation & 定制服务包括许多方面和多个变体. 首先,我们 安装模板 您在托管服务器上选择并激活它. 然后,我们的专业人员将激活内置的联系表单. After that, we’ll adjust the template to meet your needs within the included website editing services. 我们的专家会特别添加您的标志和 改变配色方案 以配合你的公司调色板. Plus, 我们会将您的内容添加到最多五页和十篇博客文章中, 并优化网站,使其在搜索引擎中排名更高.

当我们完成模板安装和内容集成, 我们将检查一切是否正常. Plus, at this stage, you will have one minor revision for additional fixes and changes to be made within our template customization service. 当所有修改完成时, 我们将向您发送网站的管理面板访问详细信息, so you will be able to log in to start managing your site and make further customizations that your site may require (adding more content, installing plugins, etc.)

One more advantage of our website template customization services is that you will work with your personal project manager. You will discuss all the details with him before the template customization begins. Later, you will be able to check the status of your website creation project at any stage. 如果你没有托管账户, your project manager and the support team will help you register a fully compatible one-year hosting account with a required domain name.

Please note:

  • 该服务仅对一个网站有效. 高级编码和布局修改不包括在服务中, 但我们可以额外收费;
  • 我们会要求你提供你的logo, texts, and high-quality images along with clear instructions for the content placement and color changes. To finish the project in time, you should provide all the requested info before the project starts;
  • Delivery time may vary by 20-40% due to our Production department load or other circumstances;
  • 包括一个小的修订. 此修订在项目交付后两周内到期.

Installation & 定制服务常见问题解答

什么是安装? & 定制服务包括?

Installation & 定制服务 implies customization of any chosen template with your content. 具体而言,我们将:

  • 安装模板;
  • Add your logo;
  • 改变配色方案;
  • 激活内置的联系表单;
  • 将您的内容添加到最多5个模板页面;
  • 发表10篇博客文章.

完成安装需要多长时间 & 定制服务?

The website template customization services will take up to 5 to 8 business days to install and configure the template. 以满足项目的最后期限, 你必须为你的内容提供明确的内容放置说明. 服务完成后,可免费进行小型修订*. 额外的修改也会影响网站上线的时间. The sooner you tell us what edits you want us to make, the sooner we’ll introduce the changes.


是的,额外的费用,我们可以推出您的网站更快. 请在我们的网站上开始聊天, 指定何时需要准备好站点, 以及你想用什么模板. 我们的支持团队将为您提供可用的选项.

我可以订购安装吗 & 定制服务,即使我还没有准备好所有的内容?

是的,您可以按照自己的节奏,一页一页地向我们的团队提供您的内容. 你收集文字和图片没有时间限制. However, we will start adding content to your site only when all the materials are ready. 你可以和你的项目经理讨论所有这些细节. 如果你想加快你的网站的启动, we can offer a Content Writing Service to create high-quality texts for your website.


Yes, 模板可以安装在已有的主机上, 你只需要向我们提供正确的访问信息. 请注意,主机应该与选择的主题兼容. However, 如果您还没有主机帐户, we can help you choose and register a new hosting account that will match your requirements.


Yes, you do. It is necessary to make sure that your hosting account matches the requirements of the template. 所有的托管提供商都是不同的, some use Linux, 其他则提供基于windows的帐户, 您的提供商的支持团队将与您分享这些细节. 如果您无法决定选择哪个托管提供商, 我们的支持团队将在决策过程中帮助您.


If you require any additional changes, we provide website customization services for an extra fee. 请随时og体育的支持团队. 他们将帮助您选择必要的服务并指定价格. 开发者也可以选择按时间付费.


Unfortunately, this service does not imply store configuration or additional functionality integration. 然而,我们提供一个特殊的 All-in-One Store设置 提供我们的电子商务主题. 请og体育的支持团队来决定所需的服务.

项目经理什么时候会联系我,详细说明我的项目? How can I provide my logo and content for the website template customization services?

在你付款之后, one of our project managers will contact you to instruct on how to provide your content. 你可以选择更方便的方式:例如, 通过电子邮件发送或使用文件共享服务之一共享.


项目完成后, you will have a minor revision to ensure that installation and customization meet your expectations. 此修订在项目交付后两周内到期.



你会帮助我,如果我有一个现有的网站(例如, 在WIX或Squarespace上),但想迁移到WordPress?

我们可以从您现有的网站的内容迁移到一个新的模板与方便. Select a template, 向我们提供在哪里放置什么内容的说明, 我们将做剩下的(安装模板), 用文字和图片填满它, 并优化以获得更好的谷歌排名). 作为经典网站定制服务的一部分, 我们将内容添加到模板的5页,并发布10篇博客文章. If you wish to migrate the functionality and tools from another CMS to WordPress, 我们的团队可以手动添加相应的功能到您的新网站.

Our Portfolio


我想为书店创建一个网站. 我不知道如何安装模板,所以我相信了你们的团队. 我得说我很满意. 服务真的很快. I guess I will address your service to help me with the customization of my store when I am ready to add all the products.
非常感谢你对小细节的关注! Your team has helped me to adjust the colors of my music studio website, so it looks astonishing.
我在为一所小学安装模板时需要帮助. 我不是很懂技术,所以你们的服务帮了我很大的忙! 我喜欢我网站上的图片. Thanks a lot!

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